Upcoming League and Other Local Dart Events:
Fraser Valley Dart League
Thursday September 19 at 7pm.
2023-24 Wind-Up, AGM, Trophies, and the new Season Registration for Thursday September 19 at 7pm.
Agenda :
Doors open at 6:30
AGM start at 7pm
Election of dart executive for the upcoming 2024-2025 season
Review of financials and any new business
Give out trophies for the 2023-2024 season. Order Pizza for those attending.
Every league member will receive 2 free Drink Tickets and a Door Draw Ticket for prizes. Guests are welcome, but must pay for their own drinks and pizza by the slice.
Registration for the new season Cut-Off is Sunday September 22 to allow for a schedule to be created, and team packages to be printed / assembled, and ready for pickup September 26. 1st night of play is planned to be Thursday October 3. Please bring your Membership Fees when picking up your packages on September 26 or the 1st night of play, October 3.